Regular Meeting –January 11, 2010


           I.     CALL TO ORDER: The regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Steve Howard at 1700 hours.  Members Present: Mike Williams, Steve Howard, Larry Helsley, George Owen and Bill Britton.  Members Absent: None.  Others Present: Interim Fire Chief Scott Alvord, Legal Advisor David Hammer, Museum Coordinator Dick Berrien, Ron Klootwyk, John Bullard Mike McMillan and Clerk Marjie Maddox.


         II.     CONSENT AGENDA:

A.    Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting December 14, 2009 –

B.    Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries – MSC: Britton/Owen to approve the consent agenda as presented.


       III.     ACTION ITEMS:

A.    Discuss/Approve to add a duct system into the Fire Museum off the existing unit – Letter submitted to board by Museum Coordinator Mr. Berrien.  Mr. Berrien would like to add vents into the museum off existing ducting running in the drill room above the museum.  This way when eventually a new heat pump is installed, the vents will be operational.  When the building was build there was no glass installed in the windows separating the museum and the drill room, they were able to vent air in through the window openings.  Since then glass has been installed to protect the contents.  This item can be executed under general structure maintenance.  Table until the next regularly scheduled meeting.

B.    Discuss/Approve Revised Equipment List for New Rescue 2151 – Chief Alvord reported no major revisions to the equipment list, the biggest issue was removing the ward exhaust system from the old rescue to remove the box.  Ward sent us an engineered report with the 2007 emissions, nothing yet regarding the 2010 model.  The exhaust filter system will not limit the project at this point.  Another work party is scheduled for the upcoming weekend. 

C.    Discuss/Approve Warning Beacon at the Corner of Bremer and Hwy 299 with a Proposed Fiscal Impact of $600 annually – Chief Alvord reported there have been no changes to the contract between the County and PUD.  Mr. Pents from PUD stated the County will pay the connection fees, however we have not received an updated contract stating the changes.  Both action items C and D are table pending an updated contract from PUD.

D.    Discuss/Approve the Agreement Between Weaverville Fire District and the County of Trinity for the Warning Beacon being placed on the Corner of Bremer and Hwy 299 – See action item C.

E.    Discuss/Approve mid budget review committee recommendation – Clerk of the Board reported we are expecting approx $14,000 from the CSCDA to reimburse the 8% property tax revenue levied by the State.  The budget committee met and is recommending allocating $7,000 to reserves, $6,500 towards new wildland and structure PPE and $500 for State Fire Marshal Volunteer Firefighter Certificates.  This item is tabled pending receiving checks and approving budget transfers.

F.     Discuss/Appoint Letter to E Clampus Vitus Trinitarianus Chapter #62 regarding the lease agreement of the Historic Fire Station located at 305 Main Street, Weaverville California - Chairman Howard reported, he has spoken with the Clampers and they will paint the old fire museum.  The only issue remaining is the historical noon whistle onto of the building.  The last copy of the 1982 is the last copy of our lease, signed a 25 yr lease agreement till 2022.  There was discussion that shop owners did not like the noon whistle, it was recommended to pole the shop owners to see if they would like to hear the noon whistle restored or not.  The lease states that the Clampers are responsible to maintain the building in its original fashion, the question remaining is, Do we want the clampers to have to repair the whistle.  Chairman Howard and Mr. Helsley will survey the shop owners to see if they are favorable to the noon whistle or not.  Table this action item for the next regular scheduled meeting.

       IV.     CLOSED SESSION: Entered into closed session at 1735 hours

A.    (Government code section 54957: Public Employment)

Title: Hazard Reduction Administrative Coordinator – Employment Agreement between Michael McMillan and the Weaverville Fire Protection District –

Entered into open session at 1810 hours: Chairman Howard reported that no action can be taken on closed session item A due to the lack of a Budget Transfer this item will be postponed.  Entered into closed session at 1812 hours.

B.    (Government code section 54957: Public Employment)

Discipline/Dismissal/Release -

C.    (Government code section 54957: Public Employment)

Title: Fire Chief/Marshal -


         V.     REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION (Government code section 54957.1 (b)) – Entered back into closed session at 1843 hours Chairman Howard reported there was no decision reached for action items B or C to be reported.



A.    Hazard Reduction Progress Report – Chief Alvord reported he met with Fire Storm to discuss beginning the process of the program.  A meeting has also been set with the T. C. Grants office to finalize the billing process for the Title III grant reimbursement.

B.    Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report/Fire Department Report – Chief Alvord reported: 2 plan checks were completed this month.  The Trinity River Mill plans will be coming up in approx 3 weeks.  The extrication class was a success last Saturday in Douglas City, 2 other classes have already been booked.  18 Volunteers showed for probationary training, there is also discussion on moving the juniors into an explorer post.  All 5 departments have had their SCBA’s tested, two masks and one tank have been fixed and placed back into service.  The Hurst tool has developed a leak, we are looking into getting it fixed.  A Community Wildfire meeting will be held on February 18th.  The kitchen, tool room and museum have all been painted.  Chief Alvord will be attending a meeting at the Capital Thursday the 14th with Assemblyman Jeffrey’s, to discuss volunteer firefighter issues.

C.    Sleeper Program Report – None

D.    Committee Reports –

Background Check Committee – None

Recruitment Committee – We are up to 24 recruits.

Collections Committee – None

Contract Committee – None

Budget Committee – Committee met and evaluated the budget, it looked on track. 

E.    Director Reports – None


  VIII.     CORRESPONDENCE: An invitation for Jack Eggleston’s retirement party on January 23, 2010.

       IX.     ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1658 hours


Approved:  February 2, 2010




______________________________                  _____________________________

      Steve Howard, Chairman                                           Marjie Maddox, Clerk